Samsung is gearing up for the upcoming festive season in India with two new mid-range smartphones. The South Korean smartphone brand is all-set to unveil the Galaxy J6+ and Galaxy J4+ mid-range devices in India later this month. While the company is yet to reveal the launch date, it has made a landing page live on its website which reveals key features of both the smartphones. The two upcoming Galaxy smartphones will feature True HD+ Infinity Displays, side-mounted fingerprint scanners, dual rear cameras and they’ll be available in various colour options. Furthermore, Samsung will introduce a new Animoji-like feature called Emotify with both the handsets. The Galaxy J6+ and J4+ will be successors to Galaxy J6 and J4 smartphones launched earlier this year in India.
Samsung Galaxy J6 Plus (Black, 64GB)
- 13MP + 5MP primary camera and 8MP front facing camera
- 15.2 centimeters (6-inch) Capacitive touchscreen with 720 x 1480 pixels resolution
- Android v8.1 Oreo operating system operating system with 1.4GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon SD425 quad core processor, 4GB RAM, 64GB internal memory expandable up to 512GB and dual SIM (nano+nano) dual-standby (4G+4G)
- 3300mAH lithium-ion battery
- 1 year manufacturer warranty for device and 6 months manufacturer warranty for in-box accessories including batteries from the date of purchase
Samsung Galaxy J4 Plus (Black, 32GB)
- 13MP primary camera and 5MP front facing camera
- 15.2 centimeters (6-inch) Capacitive touchscreen with 720 x 1480 pixels resolution
- Android v8.1 Oreo operating system operating system with 1.4GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon SD425 quad core processor, 2GB RAM, 32GB internal memory expandable up to 512GB and dual SIM (nano+nano) dual-standby (4G+4G)
- 3300mAH lithium-ion battery
- 1 year manufacturer warranty for device and 6 months manufacturer warranty for in-box accessories including batteries from the date of purchase
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