Samsung is gearing up for the upcoming festive season in India with two new mid-range smartphones. The South Korean smartphone brand is all-set to unveil the Galaxy J6+ and Galaxy J4+ mid-range devices in India later this month. While the company is yet to reveal the launch date, it has made a landing page live on its website which reveals key features of both the smartphones. The two upcoming Galaxy smartphones will feature True HD+ Infinity Displays, side-mounted fingerprint scanners, dual rear cameras and they’ll be available in various colour options. Furthermore, Samsung will introduce a new Animoji-like feature called Emotify with both the handsets. The Galaxy J6+ and J4+ will be successors to Galaxy J6 and J4 smartphones launched earlier this year in India.
Sep 20, 2018
Samsung J6+ and J4+ Amazon
Samsung is gearing up for the upcoming festive season in India with two new mid-range smartphones. The South Korean smartphone brand is all-set to unveil the Galaxy J6+ and Galaxy J4+ mid-range devices in India later this month. While the company is yet to reveal the launch date, it has made a landing page live on its website which reveals key features of both the smartphones. The two upcoming Galaxy smartphones will feature True HD+ Infinity Displays, side-mounted fingerprint scanners, dual rear cameras and they’ll be available in various colour options. Furthermore, Samsung will introduce a new Animoji-like feature called Emotify with both the handsets. The Galaxy J6+ and J4+ will be successors to Galaxy J6 and J4 smartphones launched earlier this year in India.
Oneplus 6T Amazon
OnePlus 6T made a surprise appearance in the India vs Pakistan cricket match in a TV advertisement featuring brand ambassador Amitabh Bachchan. Also the same day, the OnePlus 6T Amazon India landing page has gone live. The two appearances, of course, confirm the name of the smartphone and reiterate the in-display fingerprint sensor that it will sport. Apart from this, a new leak has appeared online, claiming the OnePlus 6T camera setup will retain the dual sensor instead of going for a triple-sensor configuration.
Nokia 5.1 Plus Flipkart
HMD Global announced the Nokia 5.1 Plus (above) in India last month following a release in China as the Nokia X5 earlier this year. It features a mid-range, octa-core MediaTek Helio P60 12nm chip, and we’re expecting to see hit the Indian market any day.
Sep 18, 2018
Redmi Note 6 Pro live photo confirms some specs
It’s fair to say that the Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro has been a bestseller. The phone launched in India in February, and its mid-range list of specifications included the Qualcomm Snapdragon 636 SoC, 4GB/6GB of RAM paired with 64GB of storage, 5.99-inch Full HD+ (2160×1080) IPS LCD, dual 12MP + 5MP (depth sensing) rear cameras, 20MP front-facing camera, and a 4,000mAh battery. It shipped with MIUI 9 on top of Android 7.1 Nougat, but it has since received an update to Android 8.1 Oreo with Project Treble support.
Sep 6, 2018
Redmi 6A Amazon
Buy Redmi 6A Online at Amazon India
Experience a powerful smartphone that resonates with affordability and performance with the Redmi 6A smartphone. Shop online at Amazon India for the new Redmi 6A and experience great features like 5.45-inch full screen HD+ resolution display, AI face unlock, 13MP HD primary camera, dual SIM and storage expansion and more at an attractive price.
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